0800 071 1100
Whilst this may be acceptable when taking on some difficult claims for the majority of straightforward accidents this success fee is not necessary.
The reason why is that, even under the current rules, solicitors still receive payment from the Defendant if they win your case, and in straightforward claims this payment is usually sufficient to cover your legal costs.
The simple answer is YES. If we take on your claim on a 100% no win, no fee basis , we give you your 100% Compensation, and make no deductions for ourselves from your compensation. The whole 100% of itis entirely yours. As long as you act in good faith and don't mislead us we won't ask you to pay us a single penny and we will fund your whole claim from start to finish *.
* Terms and conditions apply click here
Law changes in April 2013 have affected the way personal injury claims are funded
Solicitor 'success fees' are no longer recoverable from a losing defendant
Beware! Solicitors may advertise 'No Win, No Fee' but that doesn't mean they won't charge you if you win
We will fund your whole claim from start to finish.
Terms and conditions apply